AgentX Documentation

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AgentX is a Chrome extension by Opoint Technology that integrates Opoint’s indexation into the browser.

By cross-checking information from the current version of the page you are visiting with Opoint’s databases, it allows you to check if the contents Opoint has saved (and perhaps delivered to you) are up to date.

If you find that an article has been updated since Opoint saved it, you can choose to re-index it so that you and many others can have access to the newest of the news.

In case you find that an article has not been caught by our software or has been caught with errors, you can also choose to make any necessary corrections and save the updates to our database.

With AgentX, you can identify issues that might be affecting your News Alerts and fix them in a matter of seconds.

AgentX extension illustration

AgentX’s mission

AgentX is sent into the world to make the life of Opoint customers easier.

When sending a bug report, you would need to identify whether the problem is on your end or ours, and manually collect information about both the article and the website. With AgentX, you will be able to identify errors almost immediately. Once you find what is wrong, you can quickly fix any issues and even send yourself a new corrected version of the article.1 No waiting for a bug report to be handled.

How it works

When you access a webpage and open the AgentX extension, you get access to all of AgentX’s power with a few clicks.

In the image below, you can see the main functionalities enumerated. Check the description below it for clarification.

AgentX run on BBC article. Showcases the 10 points mentioned below

Source: BBC News


  1. checks if Opoint monitors the domain and fetches its information,
  2. checks if Opoint has indexed the page as an article and retrieves its information,
  3. checks if the article has been or will be delivered to the user,
  4. gets the indexed article text from the database and highlights what Opoint has stored,
    • If the article is not found, AgentX allows you to add it.
  5. allows you to re-index the article if you find any errors,
  6. shows information about how many characters are already in our database and, in case of re-indexation of the article, how many characters will be added/deleted upon saving,
  7. lets you change the segmentation (i.e. define if something is a title, a caption, part of the main text, etc.),
  8. offers you the option to save the new article classification, replacing the previous version
  9. allows you to request the re-delivery of an article, either because you want a new copy or because it has been updated1.

Installing and running AgentX

Get AgentX from the Chrome Web Store.

You need to log into AgentX using your Opoint username and password in order to access AgentX’s functionalities.

AgentX’s login page contains two fields: Username (top) and “Password” (bottom)

Forgot your password?

If you have forgotten your password, you cannot yet use AgentX to reset it. Instead, visit Opoint’s password reset page


To log out of the extension, click on the button at the top left corner of the dialog box.

Logout button is at the top left corner

Once you have logged out, you will no longer have access to AgentX’s functionalities.

Webpage analysis

AgentX inspects the page you are currently on to tell you

  1. whether the website in question is covered by Opoint,
  2. if the page you are on is indexed as an article,
  3. if said article has been or will be delivered to you.

Website coverage

Opoint tracks over 180,000 domains across the globe.

Covered websites

When you open a website tracked by Opoint, you will see a green dot with the message “This site is covered.”

If you are on the home page of the website, or on a section that displays several articles, you will see section information. This includes information about which section you are in, as well as how often a website is scanned and when the last scan was performed. This is an experimental feature.

Section information displays: “This is a section of \[website name blurred\] that we cover. Last scan 6 minutes ago; Section \[section name blurred\]; Scanned every 12 minutes”

When you open an article on a website tracked by Opoint, the first row will report whether the website is covered.

AgentX opened on an article displays up to 3 rows, the first of which will say “This site is covered” when the website is covered

You may see additional details regarding the website by pressing on the arrow to right of the first row. Information regarding the name of the news provider, the country it is from, and its rank and ID in our databases, will become visible.

The arrow on the first row, on the right, displays extra information

Not covered websites

If the website in question is not tracked, the dot will be red and be followed by the message “This site is not covered”.

For uncovered websites, the first row shows “This site is not covered”

In the future, you might be able to request that Opoint starts tracking the website from within AgentX.

Article indexation

Opoint’s databases contain over 8 billion articles indexed. AgentX checks if the page you are in is registered as one of them.

Only websites covered by Opoint will have their articles indexed.

Indexed articles

If the page you are visiting contains an indexed article, you will see a green dot with the message “This article has been indexed”. 2

The second row will contain “This article has been indexed” if the article is found in Opoint’s databases

You may also see more details about the article, including the date it was published, its ID and the article link’s ID in Opoint’s databases.

To view this information, click on the second arrow on the right. The extra details will become visible.

Press the arrow on the second row, to the right, to access more information about an indexed article

Not indexed articles

If you are viewing an article that is not indexed, but the website where it was published is tracked by Opoint, you will be given the option to scan it and then save it to our databases.

When visiting an article from a covered website that is not indexed, you will be asked: “Opoint has not indexed this article. Would you like to upload it?

To initiate the indexation process of an untracked article, press “Yes” when asked whether you would like to upload it.

Press “yes”, on the left, to start indexing the article

Opoint’s software will then scan the page and mark the text according to its color code. Check that it has been correctly indexed.

To make any modifications, follow the steps under manual changes.

Once you are satisfied with the result, press “Save”.

The button “Save” will be available on the “Re-classify article” section (5th row), to the right

You will then see a confirmation message.

“Re-classified text saved” message, including a “Close” button

Note that manually indexing an article will not automatically trigger a delivery. See Re-delivery for information on how to get an article delivered.

Your changes will not be sent to Opoint’s database if you do not press “Save”

If the website is not covered by Opoint, you cannot request to index the article. This feature may be included in the future.

Article delivery

AgentX is connected to your Opoint account. This means it can check whether a certain article has been delivered to you, or if it is in the queue.

The article delivery section is marked by a green dot when an article has been delivered to you, or when the article is in the queue.

The third row contains information about article delivery. In this image, it says “This article will be delivered to you”

For more details, you can press the third arrow on the top right. If the article has been or will be sent to you, you will see through which channel (Email, FTP pusher or SafeFeed) this action is performed (on the left), its status (centre) and the delivery time (on the right).

Note that the delivery time is only available if the article has already been delivered.

Press the arrow on the third row, to the right, to expand the article delivery section. The image displays the channel “Email” on the left; “Status: queued” on the center; “Delivered: -” on the right


If your delivery channel is SafeFeed, you might be able to manually trigger the re-delivery of articles.

To request re-delivery, you must have previously received the article in order to request a re-delivery.

If you have already received the article on your SafeFeed, the circular re-delivery arrow will be available on the delivery information panel, immediately to the right of the word “SafeFeed”. Press it to initiate the re-delivery process.

Open the delivery information panel on the third row. The re-delivery button will be on the first column from left to right, immediately to the right of the word “SafeFeed”

Once the re-delivery request is processed, you will be informed of its status. If it is successful, you will also see the delivery ID for the article in question.

Confirmation message says “The article was delivered through your SafeFeed with the id: \[id blurred\]

To return to the main panel of AgentX, press the “Close” button underneath the message.

Paywalled websites

Opoint covers several websites that include a paywall.

Paywalls come in different shapes and forms. Some obscure all the content, others show you the first few paragraphs and then blur the remainder of the article. Some websites paywall articles dynamically, allowing the user to see a certain number of articles per day, while others clearly separate publicly available and paywalled articles, never displaying a paywalled article to a non-paying user.

Our solution to this problem is to compare what you can see on screen with what is available in Opoint’s databases. If you cannot see a significant part of what we have stored, then we will consider that there is a paywall.

If we identify a paywall, you will not have access to any article information.

The second row displays “You do not have access to this article”. You will not have any additional information about the article below.

Note that we see what you see. If you are logged in and see a paywalled article, AgentX will see it. Otherwise, it won’t.

We do not use credentials you stored in your computer or with Opoint.

Article indexation

The bottom half of AgentX shows article indexation information.

Opoint indexes articles and saves them into its databases. This means that a webpage is run through an AI-powered tool which identifies what elements are a part of the article and which ones are not.

What is more, this algorithm identifies whether a sentence/paragraph is a caption, the article’s title, part of its main text and so on. It also includes article images.

If you want to change how an article is indexed, see Adding or changing an article.

Show indexed text

The “Show indexed text” toggle allows you to choose whether you want AgentX to add highlights to the page you are visiting, showing the parts of the article that have been indexed. By enabling it, you will see the color-coded text. To see the article in its original form, disable it.

Press the toggle on the fourth row, to the right, to activate or deactivate text highlighting

When this function is deactivated, the toggle will be gray and the circle will be positioned on the left. If it is activated, the toggle will be green and the circle will be placed on the right.

Change report

The last section of the AgentX extension displays information about the content indexed, and any changes made by the user. It contains three circles:

  • Indexed (left, golden brown): indicates the number of characters that have already been added to our database;
  • Added (center, green): shows the number of characters (if any) that will be added to our index upon “Save”.
  • Deleted (right, red): indicates the number of characters (if any) that will be deleted to our database upon “Save”.

The lowest, sixth row contains three columns: “indexed” on the left, “added” in the middle, “deleted” on the right.

If you have not re-classified the article, you should see empty “Added” (center) and “Removed” (right) circles, with a number only in the “Indexed” (left) circle.

You may also hover over the circles for more information.

Pop-up for “Indexed” circle says: “Number of characters that Opoint has already indexed for this article.

Pop-up for “Added” circle says: “Number of characters that will be added to this article upon saving.

Pop-up for “Removed” circle says: “Number of characters that will be removed from this article upon saving.

Adding or changing an article

You may find that an article is incorrectly indexed in Opoint’s databases, or that it has been missed altogether. This is AgentX’s core functionality: allowing you to fix articles.

Adding a new article

If you are on a website covered by Opoint and you find an article that was not indexed, you can manually index it. For instructions on how to do so, go to Not indexed articles.

Note that manually indexing an article will not automatically trigger a delivery. See Re-delivery for information on how to get an article delivered.

Re-index article

Re-indexing an article means re-sending it for analysis by Opoint’s software.

The re-index article section can be found underneath the “Show indexed text” section. It contains two buttons, “Start” and “Save”

Press “Start” on the “Re-index article” section.

The “Start” button is available on the fifth row, on the right half of the extension. It is the first button from right to left. “Start” is situated to the left of the second button, “Save”, which is deactivated until a new scan is run.

If you want to make any additional changes, follow the steps under manual changes.

When you are satisfied with the result, press “Save”.

The “Save” button will be to the right of the “Start” button, to the very right of the fifth row. It will be activated once the re-classification algorithm finishes running.

You will then see a confirmation message.

“Re-classified text saved” message, including a “Close” button underneath

Note that re-indexing an article will not automatically trigger a delivery or re-delivery. See Re-delivery for information on how to get an article delivered.

Your changes will not be sent to Opoint’s database if you do not press “Save”

To see instructions about re-indexation, hover over (or focus with your keyboard on) the words “Re-index article”. A tooltip will give you the information also contained on Article is incorrectly indexed;

Hover over, or tab to, “Re-index article” to see more information

Manual changes

After the re-classification algorithm is run on an article, you might still see errors. AI can only go so far, so you might see that it missed some sections, incorrectly labelled data or included text and images that do not belong to the article. So you can help fix these machine errors by make changes manually.

Adding content and changing segmentation

Whether you want to add content (text or image) to the indexation or edit how it is segmented (i.e. classified), you first need to click on the content in question. A black selector box will then pop up.

If the content you are adding is an image, press on the “Add” button.

A pop-up with the “Add” button on the bottom will appear close to the image (placement of this pop-up may vary according to your mouse position)

Source: BBC News

If the content is text, select the correct category among the following:

  • Title
  • The article's title
  • - Lead text
  • Text summarising the article's main ideas.
  • - Article text
  • The article itself, its main part.
  • - Caption
  • Picture descriptions, attribution of credits.
  • - Author
  • Article author.
  • - Publish date
  • Article's publication date.
  • Pop up with dropdown menu containing the 6 options listed above, plus “Excluded” (more about “Excluded” in the “Deleting content” section below). Select the corresponding category to which the snipped of text belongs.

    Deleting content

    To remove content (text or image) from the index, click on it and black selector box will appear. You will then have two options:

    • Selecting “Excluded” on the dropdown menu (text only)

    Pop-up with dropdown menu, where the first option, “Excluded”, is highlighted.

    • Pressing the “Remove” button (text and image)

    Pop-up containing a “Remove” button at the bottom, used for removing text.

    Pop-up containing a “Remove” button at the bottom, used for removing an image.

    Why can’t I make changes?

    Have you been informed that you cannot make changes to an article?

    Status page with message “You do not have the permission to make these changes. The error was reported and support will correct the article.” [Why? link leads to this section]

    As a safety measure, Opoint limits how much you can remove from an article. If you try to remove more than what is allowed, support will be notified that the article needs to be fixed.

    No information about you is collected in this process, only about the article.

    There is no limit to how much you can add.

    Color code

    When “Toggle indexed text” is active, AgentX will color-code an article’s contents according to the following scheme:

    • Brown: Content is indexed and present on the article you are viewing
    • Pale brown: Content is indexed (in Opoint’s database) but no longer available on the page
    • Green: Content will be added to the index when saved
    • Red (strikethrough): Content will be removed from the index when saved (removed by the algorithm)
    • Brown (strikethrough): Content will be removed from the index when saved (removed by the user)
    • Black (unchanged): Content is not affected by the index. It is not present and will not be added.

    As of now, the identification of an article’s text status relies on visual communication. This image shows the use of colors in an article

    Source: BBC Sport

    This solution currently relies solely on color identification. Accessible solutions are currently being researched and might be implemented on a future version.

    Accessing the documentation

    If you need to come back to this documentation, you can press the document icon on the top right of the extension.

    To access the documentation at any time, press the button on the upper right side.


    AgentX collects data for monitoring and statistics purposes only.

    Examples of uses of such data are:

    • Identifying articles and websites that are often modified
    • Measuring the time of article re-indexation
    • Identifying articles which were not picked up by Opoint’s automatic indexation system
    • Measuring number of active users of the application

    All information is processed and used exclusively within Opoint and its customer support provider. No data is sold to or processed by others.

    If you do not wish to have your data collected, contact

    1. The re-delivery functionality is experimental, and is currently only available for SafeFeed users. ↩︎

    2. You will only see the information to an article if AgentX identifies that you have access to it. For more information, see Paywalled Websites ↩︎